Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
var dfdPrompt = null; var installPromptDiv = document.getElementById('install-prompt'); function shouldShowInstallPrompt() { const oneDay = 168 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const lastClosed = localStorage.getItem('installPromptClosed'); if (lastClosed) { const now =; return now - lastClosed > oneDay } return true } function showInstallPrompt() { if (dfdPrompt && shouldShowInstallPrompt()) { = 'block' } } function closePrompt() { = 'none'; localStorage.setItem('installPromptClosed', } window. addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function (e) { dfdPrompt = e; e.preventDefault(); showInstallPrompt() }); function addToDesktop() { if (dfdPrompt) { dfdPrompt.prompt(); dfdPrompt.userChoice.then(function (choiceResult) { console.log(choiceResult.outcome); closePrompt(); dfdPrompt = null }) } else { console.log('Features added to home screen are not available。 ') } } window.onload = showInstallPrompt;
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Younger than a star, the sister is too super seductive to stand and insert and cum deeply.
Fuck or run away