CSI: NY (Crime Scene Investigation: New York) is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013, for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified as "Crime Scene Investigators" (instead of the actual title of "Crime Scene Unit Forensic Technicians" (CSU)) as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths, as well as other crimes. The series is an indirect spin-off from the veteran series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and a direct spin-off from CSI: Miami, during an episode in which several of the CSI: NY characters made their first appearances. It is the third series in the CSI franchise宝片视频APP
主演:妮芙·苏丹,肖恩·托布,达流士·胡马云,休·劳瑞,贝希·贾纳蒂·阿泰,Shervin Alenabi,Shila Ommi,莎拉·冯·施瓦茨,Bahador Foladi,阿巴斯·希拉夫坎,Elnaaz Norouzi,塔米尔·金斯堡,Nofar Boker,瓦西利斯·科卡拉尼
主演:奈绪,松田龙平,中村苍,武田玲奈,中川大辅,弦濑聪一,ノムラフッソ,関口メンディー,朝井大智,张翰,许莉廷,乔湲媛,Nguyen Truong,Khang,阿部进之介,平原哲,井本绚子,皆川猿时,三上博史
主演:希欧布罕·芬内朗,纳丁·马歇尔,凯瑟琳·凯丽,巴里·沃德,钱尼尔·库勒,大卫·海曼,妮可拉·伯利,Akiya Henry